Martin Gooch


Writer / Showrunner

Everybody Loves Dancing!

Everyone loves dancing, right? So…

Martin has teamed up with his pals (songwriter Brooke R. Calder and choreographer Vanessa Mayfield) to make a music video (as well as to honour dancer Adolfo “Shabba Doo” Quinones).

The video above is a culmination of all the great performances sent in from dancers around the world. Check it out!

Finally, fill out the form and send us your submission before August 31st, 2021 for your chance to be included in the Official “Everybody Loves Dancing” Pop Music Video! 

Submit Your Dance Video

Please upload your video as an .MP4 or .MOV file to a Shared Folder (Google Drive, DropBox, WeTransfer, etc.) and share that link with us in the form below. Please include your email and phone number so that we can reach out to you with any questions and of course to let you know when the final video is released!